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Slack Lists Launch - An Exciting Step Towards Project Management

Avatar of Zach Hawtof
Zach Hawtof
June 06, 2024

Reading time: 1 minute


Today Slack launched Slack Lists! (announcement here) This is a big step for Slack to move further into the project management category. Stephen Cook and I have been lucky enough to be part of the Lists pilot for the last few months and it will be exciting to see the new innovative ways Slack will be used at work. However, this does come with some sobering news for us building in the community space. Lists will not be available for the free tier at launch. Over time, some list features may trickle down, but we don’t expect much to change soon. tightknit-rainbow The lack of these management tools is why Tightknit is dedicated to filling in the gaps for Community Management in Slack. While we will not have the full flexibility of Slack lists, we are onto something better: purpose-built, no-config-required tools for community managers. … all said, we’d love to see how you use Slack Lists in your employee workspaces! And with Tightknit Webhooks, you will be able to connect the two worlds together.

  • Avatar of Jeremy Wine
    Jeremy Wine

    I'm extraordinarily hesitant to use Slack for task management. Maybe for a tossaway scratch list type of thing, but I wouldn't expect Slack to have even a percent of the capability of any real work or task management system. Slack is a communication hub, and much like the email clients before it, I expect lists to be about as successful as tasks and lists in Outlook or gmail

  • Avatar of Zach Hawtof
    Zach Hawtof

    What might be useful after a few iterations is the ability to add a message to a list. It would have to be collaborative because today I find the save/reminder button the most valuable for personal usage