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Discord Shifts Focus Away from Business Communities: What That Means


Very interesting news update but it seems that Discord is laying off the gas for business communities. This likely means that businesses will return to Slack as they discontinue focusing on them as a priority. A quote from their CEO’s press release:

After taking stock of the world now that the pandemic is largely behind us, and learning directly from you about how Discord can be even more useful, we’ve recognized the need to narrow our focus from broadly being a community-centric chat app to being a place that helps people deepen their friendships around games and shared interests.

Joel Primack Andrew Claremont, I feel you both will have some good thoughts on this.

  • Avatar of Joel Primack
    Joel Primack

    Slack FTW 🏆 Love to see their focus narrow and the opportunities for Slack/Tightknit!

  • Avatar of Piper Wilson
    Piper Wilson

    This makes me happy for purely selfish reasons. I don’t like Discord.

  • Avatar of Andrew Claremont
    Andrew Claremont

    Makes me happy for the same reasons as Piper, but because I like Discord.

  • Avatar of Andrew Claremont
    Andrew Claremont

    It's very good at what it does and the audience that it serves. They lost their way (but rode a nice bit of growth) through the pandemic.

  • Avatar of Zach Hawtof
    Zach Hawtof

    Keep your gamers with your gamers. Keep your devs with your devs. Sometimes gamers are devs but never at the same time 😉 ^ Andrew Claremont in a nutshell

  • Avatar of Andrew Claremont
    Andrew Claremont

    The only professional groups I'd continue pointing to Discord are the ones that have very, very high affinity between their members and Discord's target audience of gamers n' geeks

  • Avatar of Andrew Claremont
    Andrew Claremont

    But even then it'd be an affinity/social group... there are IT communities thriving on Discord, but they're exceptions

  • Avatar of Zach Hawtof
    Zach Hawtof

    Crypto will stay in the Discord/Telegram world. Lots of industries where “hype” is sold tend to gravitate there.

  • Avatar of Andrea Marchiotto
    Andrea Marchiotto

    Ouch, right when I was preparing to open a closed community on Discord. What does this mean for businesses then? BTW do you know if we can make the same integrations on Slack, meaning using external 3rd parties APIs the same we it is possible on Discord?

  • Avatar of Zach Hawtof
    Zach Hawtof

    It’s very possible to use 3rd party APIs in Slack. Our entire product is actually built on the Slack API platform! Andrea Marchiotto