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Milestone and Badge Ideas for People Geek Slack Community


Hey Zach and Stephen! I’ve been playing around with ideas for milestones and badges for our People Geek Slack community, and I wanted to see if the following milestone actions can be implemented with TightKnit. Here's what I’m thinking: Milestone Actions for New Members (First Year):

  • Introduction Post: Trigger when a new member introduces themselves.

  • First Conversation: Trigger after a member participates in their first discussion.

  • Five Discussions: Trigger after a member joins five distinct conversations.

  • First Helpful Response: Trigger when a member answers another member's question.

  • Active for One Month: Trigger when a new member is active for 30 days.

Milestone Actions for Long-Term Members (Over 1 Year):

  • One-Year Anniversary: Trigger when a member reaches their first year in the community.

  • Mentorship Action: Trigger when a long-term member helps or advises newer members.

  • Consistent Engagement: Trigger after consistent participation (e.g., once a month for a year).

  • Leading a Discussion: Trigger when a member starts a discussion with 10+ replies.

  • Multiple Badge Achievement: Trigger when a member earns three or more badges.

Additional Badge:

  • Silent Supporter: Trigger when a member engages through reactions (e.g., likes, emojis, or upvoting) consistently without actively posting.

Would love to hear your thoughts on whether these can be built out and how we can collaborate on it! Thanks!

  • Avatar of Zach H.
    Zach H.

    These are all amazing DeMario B.! We’ll take these back with us and see what we can do. Peter K. feel like you might have some thoughts on these as well. Any stand out for you? Anything missing?

  • Avatar of DeMario B.
    DeMario B.

    Thanks mate!

  • Avatar of Zach H.
    Zach H.

    Paola J. based on our conversation, I feel like you might want some of these

  • Avatar of Zach H.
    Zach H.

    Ed based on our discussion today. Some great examples of milestones

  • Avatar of DeMario B.
    DeMario B.

    Ed Paola J., I've been collecting feedback from my community members on a miro board. happy to share some of what i learned from them. TL;DR they only want a few badges to start, no milestones right now. They don't want us to rush to grow and scale it. My community consists of HR and people leaders.

  • Avatar of Paola J.
    Paola J.

    Hi DeMario B., I would love to see what your community members are saying rn. We're about to launch our Slack community this month and we have a similar persona of Finance leaders (so ppl who got a lot of work to do lol)

  • Avatar of DeMario B.
    DeMario B.

    Would love to chat! Let's find 15 minute to chat soon.

  • Avatar of Zach H.
    Zach H.

    Eric N. Peter K. Elias W. Adding you all to this thread because I think it’s a great discussion on how badges could be automated within each of your communities. Would love your thoughts.

  • Avatar of Peter K.
    Peter K.

    Love the idea of automated badges overall. Love these from DeMario B. - these feel like a great standard template to start with in TightKnit Some fun ones to add maybe as second order badges based on engagement behavior? Imagine the backend may need more calibrating but doable?

    • Weekend Warrior - regular off hour engagement

    • Chain Reactor - Member's post generates an extended thread of meaningful responses (20+ quality replies in a thread, etc.). Encourage conversation-starting content

    • Language Ambassador - people responding to other languages

    • GIF Master / Meme Master? - members who consistently use appropriate and engaging GIFs/memes

    • Deep Diver - for regularly creating detailed, well-researched posts that explore complex topics (based volume of replies with word count + reacts?)

    • Season Tickets - shows up to multiple events in a row or given time frame?

    • Welcome Ambassador - members who consistently engage with and support newcomers in their first few weeks

    • Cross-Channel Connector? (need better name here) - members who actively participate in multiple channels and help bridge discussions between different topic areas

  • Avatar of Peter K.
    Peter K.

    The real unlock for me would be to be able to turn certain emojis into an upvote, tying that to a profile-specific counter, effectively creating a "reddit gold" equivalent. Then I'd tie in tiered badges based on emoji-react counts. I think "laddered" badges do the best job of incentivizing good behavior. YouTube plaques. Streak-based subscriber badges / perks on Twitch.

  • Avatar of Zach H.
    Zach H.

    The real unlock for me would be to be able to turn certain emojis into an upvote, tying that to a profile-specific counter, effectively creating a “reddit gold” equivalent. Then I’d tie in tiered badges based on emoji-react counts.

    Good timing on this one. We are actively working on the milestone for “Received reactions” with what Stephen C. has called a multiplier. We can’t yet filter on which emojis yet but I’ll create a ticket to track for the future.

  • Avatar of Peter K.
    Peter K.


  • Avatar of Zach H.
    Zach H.

    I’ll admit Peter K. your other ones are a bit more complicated … and subjective since AI hasn’t perfected my immaculate taste for GIFs yet. However, I never say never. Just a matter of when we can get to a few of those. At least now we have the list and the inspiration!

  • Avatar of Jeremie G.
    Jeremie G.

    Zach H. Would you be able to reshare the Canva template and Loom video to create badges and profile borders?

  • Avatar of Zach H.
    Zach H.

    Absolutely! I’ll share it in a new Best Practices post so others can find it. Give me a few to create

  • Avatar of Jeremie G.
    Jeremie G.

    Thank you!