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Is there a way to see who's hit "I'm interested" for an event?


Is there a way to see who's hit "I'm interested" for an event?

  • Avatar of Zach Hawtof
    Zach Hawtof

    Yup! Today we call it the Guest List (although we’ll need to rename in the future since it’s more like an Interest list)

  • Avatar of Andrew Claremont
    Andrew Claremont


  • Avatar of Andrew Claremont
    Andrew Claremont

    Hmm, not seeing this.

  • Avatar of Zach Hawtof
    Zach Hawtof

    If you go into /events or click on Events in the App Home you’ll see the events list. That said we should add a ticket to put that information here too

  • Avatar of Andrew Claremont
    Andrew Claremont

    Ah! There it is. Was bouncing between the hub channel and the activated channel, forgot to check the app home screen.