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The jobs of a community manager

Hey - I thought I’d mention an idea I’d love to see come to life in TightKnit. The jobs I need to do as a community manager/operator include:

  • Setting up community tools to save myself time

  • Growing my community through outreach (social, email, otherwise)

  • Onboarding community members to encourage engagement

  • Managing subscriptions and channels for different groups

  • Stoking engagement through posting and member activity

  • Reporting

It occurred to me that at some point, my focus is going to be on Stoking Engagement, especially after I get the rest in place, because if my community isn’t constantly engaged, TightKnit is going to show a pretty sleepy community to the world! (#@?&!) Would love a generative AI-powered bot to do two things:

  • Suggest social posts based on TightKnit channels (like “hey, this #referral-swap post should be shared on FB with the following message and image…click here to post.“)

  • Suggest Slack posts for various channels periodically to keep stoking engagement (like “this channel’s a little quiet! here’s a question you can ask your community today based on their interests…click here to post.“)

Thought I’d mention this job, and how it might be solved with some genAI…

  • Avatar of Zach Hawtof

    Love the suggestions Derek. We’re filing some tickets based on your suggestions for “Stoking Engagement 🏄” Would love to dive deeper into:

    Suggest social posts based on TightKnit channels (like “hey, this #referral-swap post should be shared on FB with the following message and image…click here to post.“)

    • What social platforms do you target the most?

    • Would you post to your personal socials or would you prefer it posted through your business pages?

  • Avatar of Derek Koch

    Good questions…

    • For the Seeker Community, LinkedIn is definitely #1. I’d love to give users a through line to Instagram and TikTok (we’re finding those are the next two most popular job seeker sites)…but we’re not generating video content in the community just now…

    • I’d be tempted to say that I as community manager would want to post via the Seeker company account, and then use my personal account to amplify. Community members, however, would want to be able to broadcast via their personal accounts.

  • Avatar of Stephen Cook

    TIL TikTok is used for job hunting. Man do I feel old...

  • Avatar of Derek Koch

    Dude. ikr.

  • Avatar of Derek Koch

    Pretty soon we’ll be doing it all in the metaverse with our neuralink connection…