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Interest in Event Recaps and Wistia Embed Support Discussion


Really interested in the event recaps functionality. Any chance you’ll add Wistia embed support? Not sure how many other Wistia users there are around here?

  • Avatar of Zach H.
    Zach H.

    We could add Wistia embed support on the site. Stephen C. will have to chime in on the Slack app side but I believe we are limited there. Thoughts Stephen? I’m also interested in how many others use Wistia. Andrew C., you’re a knowledgeable tools guy. Do you run across Wistia a lot in communities?

  • Avatar of Stephen C.
    Stephen C.

    I believe Slack unfurls Wistia video share links, so I think we're good there 😏 (here's a test: https://tightknit.wistia.com/medias/4irx1tk1fh) As for the companion site, we could easily add Wistia videos in a basic video player.

  • Avatar of Stephen C.
    Stephen C.

    Hey Gareth W., we added Wistia support in the most recent release!

  • Avatar of Gareth W.
    Gareth W.

    that’s fab - thanks folks!