When you post a message using anonymous it would be great to be able reply anonymously as the poster of the original message. Often great responses, asks for more information which you can’t chime in on without then disclosing your identity
If you don't see the shortcut on the initial menu, you may have to select "More message shortcuts..." and search for it by name. The menu only displays your most often-used shortcuts.
Okay ideas Scott BaldwinStephen Cook
When a user sends an anonymous message with a post, we have a confirmation modal. On that confirmation page, we should have a GIF about how to Reply Anonymously to anyone that responds. Use that confirmation page as a teaching moment
You’re correct Anonymous Friend. It does not but I don’t think we have anything in the toolbelt for understanding a user’s intent at the point when they want to respond anonymously. We should at least have the details in Tightknit App Home to teach them how to do so