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Troubleshooting Welcome Message Editing in New Member Onboarding


New Member Onboarding. I'm not able to edit my welcome message -- it has #channel tags in it ... I was able to set it up this way initially, but now I get this error:

User mentions and channel tags are not allowed at this time. Please remove the @user or #channel, and submit again.
  • Avatar of Zach Hawtof
    Zach Hawtof

    Hey Margaret Rosas! We’re looking into it right now. Thanks for bringing to our attention

  • Avatar of Zach Hawtof
    Zach Hawtof

    We found the issue. We’re working on this right now! We’ll have the fix in shortly

  • Avatar of Stephen Cook
    Stephen Cook

    Hey Margaret Rosas, the issue should be resolved now! Please let us know if you have any trouble adding channel tags.

  • Avatar of Stephen Cook
    Stephen Cook

    This does come with a teensy tiny caveat (due to a Slack platform bug)... The next time you open the New Member Onboarding modal, you must modify the welcome message before you can click Save again. Otherwise, Slack will display an error that prevents you from saving.