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New Member Introduction: Sarah Morin from SF Seeking Connections and Roles


Hi all! Excited to join this community. 🌎 : San Francisco πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» : Community at Edtech Insiders, Tamalpa Institute, and a few local arts groups around SF (new IRL community space coming soon!) job-search : Open to new full time roles. I have background in Learning Design, Marketing, and Community mostly in early stage edtech startups... I can't help it I'm a curious person! LinkedIn here. 🧢 : I love communities where I can forge new 1:1 connections, get feedback, and be exposed to new ideas. πŸ’– : Besides the previously listed topics, ask me about cooperative/community living, dance, arts therapy, or The Great Lakes (I'm from Michigan!) πŸ† : A recent win is launching this database of AI in Education tools... take a look!

  • Avatar of Zach Hawtof
    Zach Hawtof

    So glad to have you here, Sarah! We have a few folks from EdTech that started to join us. And be sure to follow our Jobs channel if you’re looking out for new roles. Also are you a Wolverine or a Spartan? (My fam is a lot of Go Blue)

  • Avatar of Sarah Morin
    Sarah Morin

    Ha - I'm split! My family has all gone to MSU, but I was at U of M for a minute... contentious! πŸ˜