Join us for an exciting in-person, no-code event hosted by Tightknit, Glide, and Slack!
Hosted at community space Fabrik's NYC location, we'll be deep-diving into how no-code can transform both work and community with automation.
6:00 PM - Welcome and introduction
6:15 PM - Lightning talks from Sponsors and Co-Hosts
6:30 PM - Breakout workshops
- Glide workshop
- Tightknit Workshop
- Glide + Tightknit
- No-Code Fundamentals
8:00 PM - Networking and celebrations
8:30 PM - Closing Remarks and after-party, location TBD
Throughout the event, we'll have snacks and drinks available for all attendees. This is an excellent opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals in the no-code community.