Introducing Blogs on Tightknit: New Feed Display Settings for Engaging Content
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π Introducing Blogs on Tightknit with New Feed Display Settings Chat activity within slack is often in the form of discussions, which naturally lends itself to the classic "forums"-style display for content on the Tightknit site. It works well for discussion, help, and support channels, but it's not always the best fit. That's why we've introduced a set of powerful new display settings to give you control over the experience of feeds and posts in your Tightknit site in a way that is best suited for their purpose. Take our Announcements channel for instance. The content of these announcements would be best experienced as a series of blog posts. So in fact, that's exactly what we've done. Take a look at the Announcements feed, and this post, on the Tightknit site--you'll see that it now resembles a beautiful micro-blog! In the admin feed create settings, you will now see an option to select a Preset. Presets are starting templates that dictate the default values used for the following display settings:
List View Display: Snippet, Compact, or Card
Post Detail Display: Discussion, or Blog
By default, our Blog preset will use "Card" for the List View Display setting and "Blog" for the Post Detail Display setting. However, you can always select (and update) the display settings of your feeds with your own value if you choose. The cover image for a blog post is determined by the first image file attachment on the corresponding Slack message, if any. "Blogs" are the first of many display presets to come! We're excited to lay down the groundwork for you to display all types of content from your Slack workspace in new and engaging ways on your Tightknit site!