Exciting News and Event Updates for Tightknitters Community!
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Good morning Tightknitters 🧶 @channel! Today at 4PM ET we have our biggest event ever co-hosted with Slack. If you have yet to sign up, you can find the link here: https://go.tightknit.ai/slack-community-event As part of our event, we’ll be making two new changes here in the community.
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We’ll be moving all Changelog announcements to Changelog so we can dedicate Announcements to events, product launches, and general Tightknit updates. Be sure to follow the RSS feed there so you can get all of the latest updates to the platform!
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We are also introducing a new channel Best Practices to share our favorite pieces of advice for setting up Slack communities effectively. We’ll be calling on experts to share their best advice in there and will be adding our favorites to the Tightknit Web Forum.
Thank you all for being a part of this burgeoning community. We’ve been slowly collecting the greatest minds in the Slack community space and we’re excited to kick off new initiatives with each of you! Please don’t hesitate to comment in the 🧵 with any questions or feedback.