Tightknit Release Notes: Gamification Badges & Profile Photos Update
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Tightknit Release Notes (August 30, 2024)
Tightknit Release Notes (August 30, 2024)

🎖️ Badge Awards & Generated Profile Pictures [Gamification Pilot Program] We're introducing custom badge photo frames your users can apply to their profile photos to show off their hard work! When you give a user a badge, they'll receive a customized message letting them know about the award. They'll also see a [✨Generate Profile Photo] button which takes their current Slack profile photo and generates a new photo with the badge frame overlay. It also generates a larger image that includes the badge and community logo, for sharing on social media such as in a LinkedIn post. Recommended format for badge frame images is 512 x 512 px PNG files. The frame visual should be a square border with a transparent center. We recommend making all your badge frames the same size and shape so that users can easily generate new frames repeatedly on top of their profile photos. Below is a basic example.

Here's a demo of Sophie (a workspace admin) sending herself the "Innovator" badge and generating her own badge award images:

It's nice to be a show-off now and then. 😎
💡 Badges are part of the Gamification pilot program. Pilot customers must re-install the app to get this feature. If you're interested in participating, please react with a 🧶.
[Companion Site] Added support for Wistia videos for Event recap recording links (Note: this is in Fallback/iframe embed mode)
[Companion Site] Added configurable "Upcoming Events" list on the Home page side section. You can enable this component in the Home Page modal on the Companion Site module.
[Companion Site] Applied text styling to user and channel tags in rich text
[Companion Site] Fixed parsing bug when multiple links were included in the same mrkdwn text
[Companion Site] Fixed long Event guest lists overflowing off the screen
[Slack] Warns admin if they attempt to switch the Tightknit Hub Channel to a private channel that Tightknit does not have access to