Tightknit Release Notes - February 23, 2024: Embed Feeds and Posts Beta
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Tightknit Release Notes (February 23, 2024) Embed Feeds and Posts [BETA] We've added a new tab in the Share modal that will instruct you on how to configure and embed any of your Tightknit feeds or posts in another website. Simply copy and paste the iframe code into the markup of your site. To access this feature, click the Share button on the feed detail page or post detail page, and select the "Embed" tab. Updates:
Banner images will appear in unfurled link previews for the Home page and feed detail pages. The images are set using Open Graph og:image metadata.
Use higher-res user photo in new member notification in the Tightknit hub channel
If a secondary workspace admin is not a member of the Tightknit hub channel, they will see a Join button in the Tightknit settings to get invited
Adding apps to the workspace no longer triggers a new member notification
Fixed resolution of banner images on Home & Feed detail pages that was making them appear blurry
Fixed bug causing a Document 500 response in certain cases