Tightknit Release Notes: Self-Service Community and Site Images - July 5, 2024
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Tightknit Release Notes (July 5, 2024) Self-Service Community and Site Images Hope our Canadian and American friends had a great Independence Day this week! 🎆 While were on the topic of freedom 🦅... this release, we're giving you the freedom of uploading your own community and site images! You may now upload custom images for the following:
Tightknit Slack bot icon (Community Details modal)
Site logo (Site Images modal)
Site Favicon (Site Images modal)
Site Social Media Image (Site Images modal)
For more info, check out the docs on Community Details and Site Branding Guide. Updates:
[Companion Site] Removed redundant Call-to-Action button in the info section of the Feed detail page
[Companion Site] Changed event link text to a link button, in the header of the Event detail page
[Companion Site] The new featured groups Directory experience has been enabled for all sites
[Slack] Added ability to enable/disable Event participant reminders before the event starts, in the Event Settings modal
[Slack] Increased Group size limit from 30 to 100
[Slack] Added admin notification if the Tightknit app was removed or kicked from an active channel. The channel/feed will no longer have Tightknit functionality until the app is re-added.
[Slack] The following Event features are now in public beta:
Registration settings in the Event creation modal
Webhook settings in the Event creation modal
Participant reminders before the Event starts
Reminder to add a recap, sent to the Event creator once the event is over
[Slack] When a user creates a synced Post in a blog-type Feed, and the Feed has not muted the Tightknit bot responder, we will send the author an option to select the cover image for the blog Post (if there are multiple image file attachments)
[Companion Site] Fixed user avatars on the companion site sometimes using a low-res version of the Slack user profile image. You may need to re-sync the existing user's profile to Tightknit in order to apply the fix.
[Companion Site] Fixed some a11y issues
[Companion Site] Changed the Feed embed URL path to match the path in the standard site