Tightknit Release Notes: New Self-Service Features and Updates (Sept 16)
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Tightknit Release Notes (Sept 16, 2024)
Tightknit Release Notes (Sept 16, 2024)

Deactive Site & Archive Feed As we prepare to make the platform more self-service, we've gone back to basics and made controlling your Companion Site and Feeds easier. Previously, there was no self-service option to remove a Site or Feed, making it especially difficult if you were hitting your active Feeds limit. Now, you can deactivate a site to take it offline, letting you perform some maintenance before you re-activate at a later time. You can also archive Feeds, which disables their message sync to the Companion Site and removes them from public access. Archived Feeds do not count towards your active Feeds limit, and you can always unarchive Feeds as long as you're within the limit.

[Companion Site] The Feed description/topic, which is sourced from the Slack channel description/topic, now supports custom emojis.
[Companion Site + Slack] Admins can now deactivate/re-activate the companion site. This feature can be found in the Settings for the Companion Site section.
[Companion Site + Slack] Admins can now archive/unarchive Feeds. This feature can be found in the dropdown menu option for each Feed.
[Slack] Admins will see a warning at the top of Tighktnit app home if their app is out of date. Admins can use the re-install link to safely get the latest updates.
[Slack] The framed profile photo process for awarded Badges now includes the option for the user to upload a profile photo.
[Slack] Combined the filters of the Events List panel (i.e. date and status filters) into a single filter.
[Slack] Moved the new member joining notification setting into the Notifications panel in the Community section. It is now enabled by default.
[Companion Site] Fixed 404 page for invalid companion site subdomains.