Tightknit Release Notes: Upload Your Site Horizontal Logo Now!
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Tightknit Release Notes (August 14, 2024) Let's see those logos! No longer are you bound to the square icon + plaintext name in the companion site navigation header. You can now upload a Site Horizontal Logo (also known as a combination logo) to be featured in your header! ✨ Let's see those beautiful logos on your communities! The Site Horizontal Logo will replace the icon + name in the top-left header (though keep in mind the icon can still be used as the profile photo for bot users). You can access this new setting in the Site Images modal under the Companion Site section of the admin settings. Recommended size is 70 px height, width between 70 - 240 px. Updates:
[Companion Site] Updated the header icons on the Events, Directory, and Leaderboard pages to be consistent with the sidebar emoji icons